Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe (author of ODM) is a dynamic man of God with strong prophetic, healing, preaching and teaching ministries. Since he met the Lord and got born again on February 3rd 1976, as a student at the prestigious government college Ughelli, Delta State of Nigeria, he has been preaching the word in Creeks, Villages and Cities with signs following.
Bishop Dr Chris Kpakpovwe is a qualified pharmacist (1983) from the University of Ife in Nigeria now known as Obafemi Awolowo University. Bishop Dr. Chris, an anointed writer, who has been through the crucible of life’s strong battles and afflictions, writes from a deep burden and experience that provokes daily compassion for the bruised (Luke 4:18).
Based on the unique heart of compassion of Bishop Dr. Chris and a strong vision born out of the deep furnace of affliction, he believes that toil (hard work), stubborn determination, daily solitude and prayers are the engine rooms of every true-life success story.
In recognition of his meritorious services. Bishop Dr. Chris is a recipient of honours and awards. One out of many is Outstanding Leadership and Appreciation Award 2012 by our daily manna (ODM), USA